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YAML Selectors

Write resource selectors in YAML, save them with a human-friendly name, and reference them using the --selector flag. By recording selectors in a top-level selectors.yml file:

  • Legibility: complex selection criteria are composed of dictionaries and arrays
  • Version control: selector definitions are stored in the same git repository as the dbt project
  • Reusability: selectors can be referenced in multiple job definitions, and their definitions are extensible (via YAML anchors)

Selectors live in a top-level file named selectors.yml. Each must have a name and a definition, and can optionally define a description and default flag.

- name: nodes_to_joy
definition: ...
- name: nodes_to_a_grecian_urn
description: Attic shape with a fair attitude
default: true
definition: ...


Each definition is comprised of one or more arguments, which can be one of the following:

  • CLI-style: strings, representing CLI-style arguments
  • Key-value: pairs in the form method: value
  • Full YAML: fully specified dictionaries with items for method, value, operator-equivalent keywords, and support for exclude

Use the union and intersection operator-equivalent keywords to organize multiple arguments.



This simple syntax supports use of the +, @, and * graph operators, but it does not support set operators or exclude.


tag: nightly

This simple syntax does not support any graph or set operators or exclude.


This is the most thorough syntax, which can include the operator-equivalent keywords for graph and set operators.

Review methods for the available list.

method: tag
value: nightly

# Optional keywords map to the `+` and `@` graph operators:

children: true | false
parents: true | false

children_depth: 1 # if children: true, degrees to include
parents_depth: 1 # if parents: true, degrees to include

childrens_parents: true | false # @ operator

indirect_selection: eager | cautious | buildable | empty # include all tests selected indirectly? eager by default

The * operator to select all nodes can be written as:

method: fqn
value: "*"


The exclude keyword is only supported by fully-qualified dictionaries. It may be passed as an argument to each dictionary, or as an item in a union. The following are equivalent:

- method: tag
value: nightly
- "@tag:daily"
- union:
- method: tag
value: nightly
- exclude:
- method: tag
value: daily

Note: The exclude argument in YAML selectors is subtly different from the --exclude CLI argument. Here, exclude always returns a set difference, and it is always applied last within its scope.

When more than one "yeslist" (--select) is passed, they are treated as a union rather than an intersection. Same thing when there is more than one "nolist" (--exclude).

Indirect selection

As a general rule, dbt will indirectly select all tests if they touch any resource that you're selecting directly. We call this "eager" indirect selection. You can optionally switch the indirect selection mode to "cautious", "buildable", or "empty" by setting indirect_selection for a specific criterion:

- union:
- method: fqn
value: model_a
indirect_selection: eager # default: will include all tests that touch model_a
- method: fqn
value: model_b
indirect_selection: cautious # will not include tests touching model_b
# if they have other unselected parents
- method: fqn
value: model_c
indirect_selection: buildable # will not include tests touching model_c
# if they have other unselected parents (unless they have an ancestor that is selected)
- method: fqn
value: model_d
indirect_selection: empty # will include tests for only the selected node and ignore all tests attached to model_d

If provided, a YAML selector's indirect_selection value will take precedence over the CLI flag --indirect-selection. Because indirect_selection is defined separately for each selection criterion, it's possible to mix eager/cautious/buildable/empty modes within the same definition, to achieve the exact behavior that you need. Remember that you can always test out your critiera with dbt ls --selector.

See test selection examples for more details about indirect selection.


Here are two ways to represent:

$ dbt run --select @source:snowplow,tag:nightly models/export --exclude package:snowplow,config.materialized:incremental export_performance_timing

- name: nightly_diet_snowplow
description: "Non-incremental Snowplow models that power nightly exports"

# Optional `union` and `intersection` keywords map to the ` ` and `,` set operators:
- intersection:
- '@source:snowplow'
- 'tag:nightly'
- 'models/export'
- exclude:
- intersection:
- 'package:snowplow'
- 'config.materialized:incremental'
- export_performance_timing

Then in our job definition:

dbt run --selector nightly_diet_snowplow


Selectors may define a boolean default property. If a selector has default: true, dbt will use this selector's criteria when tasks do not define their own selection criteria.

Let's say we define a default selector that only selects resources defined in our root project:

- name: root_project_only
description: >
Only resources from the root project.
Excludes resources defined in installed packages.
default: true
method: package
value: <my_root_project_name>

If I run an "unqualified" command, dbt will use the selection criteria defined in root_project_only—that is, dbt will only build / freshness check / generate compiled SQL for resources defined in my root project.

dbt build
dbt source freshness
dbt docs generate

If I run a command that defines its own selection criteria (via --select, --exclude, or --selector), dbt will ignore the default selector and use the flag criteria instead. It will not try to combine the two.

dbt run --select  "model_a"
dbt run --exclude model_a

Only one selector may set default: true for a given invocation; otherwise, dbt will return an error. You may use a Jinja expression to adjust the value of default depending on the environment, however:

- name: default_for_dev
default: "{{ == 'dev' | as_bool }}"
definition: ...
- name: default_for_prod
default: "{{ == 'prod' | as_bool }}"
definition: ...

Selector inheritance

Selectors can reuse and extend definitions from other selectors, via the selector method.

- name: foo_and_bar
- tag: foo
- tag: bar

- name: foo_bar_less_buzz
# reuse the definition from above
- method: selector
value: foo_and_bar
# with a modification!
- exclude:
- method: tag
value: buzz

Note: While selector inheritance allows the logic from another selector to be reused, it doesn't allow the logic from that selector to be modified by means of parents, children, indirect_selection, and so on.

The selector method returns the complete set of nodes returned by the named selector.
